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Dinner Time

Family Time is important and getting your children involved in helping prep dinner, is a great way to spend the time together and teach them responsibilities

Family Time is important and getting your children involved in helping prep dinner, is a great way to spend the time together and teach them responsibilities

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Raddish is a great cooking club for kids!

Picky Eaters: Family Time is important and getting your children involved in helping prep dinner, is a great way to spend the time together and teach them responsibilities

Children are much more likely to eat a meal that they have helped prepare.

Family Time is important and getting your children involved in helping prep dinner, is a great way to spend the time together and teach them responsibilities

Having children to help out around the home teaches them responsibility that will continue as they grow.  Find age-appropriate tasks they can help you do in the kitchen.

Family Time is important and getting your children involved in helping prep dinner, is a great way to spend the time together and teach them responsibilities

Your children can not only learn math and science by helping you cook but they will also learn the vital life skills of preparing and cooking meals.

Books 2 Read

 Family Time is important and getting your children involved in helping prep dinner, is a great way to spend the time together and teach them responsibilities     
