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Creating ways to explore Autumn and liquid watercolor.
Skill Development: Art
Minimum Age: Grade 1
Messiness: Medium
- Watercolor or Mixed Media Paper
- Paint brush
- Liquid watercolors: Red, Orange, Yellow, Brown
- Sharpie: Black or Brown
- Circle Templates
- Googly wiggly eyes
- Glue Stick
- Feathers - optional
Books to Read
*Reading enhancing the learning environment
This Learning Plan includes photos completely created by First Graders
Age/grade for projects are simply suggestions and may be used with other age groups.
Some activities may not be suitable for younger children. Supervise your children at all times.
It’s Autumn and right now our daylight is shorter, it’s colder outside, and the leaves are changing colors. Chlorophyll makes leaves green. The lack of light outside causes the leaves to change to Red, Orange, Yellow, & eventually brown. We used these colors in creating our Watercolor Turkeys.
First portion is Directed Drawing and the second half allows for children to create their one-of-a-kind Wild Turkey. Discuss different types of lines in the drawing of their unique feathers.

Step 1:
Draw a turkey in pencil by tracing around a small and large circle templates.
I like giving children more sensory items so we used a medium sized paper plate and small disposable bowl.
Draw in legs, nose, and wattle
Step 2:
Draw in the wings by making curved lines on the outside and then the inside of the body.
Now allow the children to create their turkey feathers how they'd like. Here's their chance to be creative and give their turkey a unique look.
Vocabulary we used:
Line: Element of Art created by utensils. Straight, curved, zigzag, spiral, wavy
Color Wheel: Warm colors are Red, Orange, and Yellow
Uniqueness: Each student is one of a kind and therefore, their creations will be also
I set up a small table in the back for the children to explore more of the Autumn colors we discussed. We have three sensory bottles we created in Red, Orange, Yellow.
Discuss The Color Wheel and warm colors.
These leaves we had picked from outside but to keep them fresh for days, we painted them with white Elmers glue and let them dry before allowing the children to play with them.
Step 5:
When the turkeys are dried, cut them out and glue the googly eyes on them, then hang them up for the children to enjoy and admire their unique Wild Turkeys