Learning about clouds and rainbows is fun when you use shaving cream.
For easy clean-up: let them play in the bathtub then wash thoroughly!
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What You Need
- Shaving cream - sensitive skin option
- Plastic container from The Dollar Store
- Paint brushes by Darice
Where 2 Buy Online
What 2 Read

How 2 Play

1. Add shaving cream to a container of your choice {we used shaving cream for sensitive skin}
2. Drop different shades of food coloring.
We used a plastic dish from The Dollar Tree so that the kids can safely play this activity in the bathtub. I've seen others also use a glass mason jar.

3. Provide paint brushes.
You could also use stir sticks, straws, popsicle sticks but because the kids were using these in the bathtub, paint brushes would be best in water.

4. Conversation Time
"What colors do you see?"
"What happens when you swirl the brush around?"
"What happens when you mix the colors?"

5. Painting Time
After they're finished with the excitement of mixing the colors in the container, let them paint the bathtub, or themselves.
Remember to wash them thoroughly since this is shaving cream {we used the kind for sensitive skin}