Home » How 2 Play with Shopkins

How 2 Play with Shopkins

Creative ways of how to play with Shopkins toys from @how2playtoday

If your home is anything like mine, these little toys are All Over the Place.  I've found some creative ways to store them thankfully.  We have also discovered some fun ways to play with them.

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How 2 Play

Creative ways of how to play with Shopkins toys from @how2playtoday
Counting Practice

One of my preschooler's favorite things to do is to simply set these up all around.. and I mean All around the house.  We use this as a good opportunity to practice counting!

Creative ways of how to play with Shopkins toys from @how2playtoday
Line Them Up

Simply lining them up is also fun.  You can see that we also incorporate just about any other little toy like their beloved LPS, Barbie accessories, etc.

Go Shopping

Using the cute little shopping baskets that come with some of the sets, my children will pretend they're grocery shopping for these items.  They can use pretend money to pay me or sometimes we even create our own money.

Creative ways of how to play with Shopkins toys from @how2playtoday
Egg Hunt

Insert the toys in plastic eggs and hide them around the room.  Take turns hiding them.  My children could play this for HOURS.

TIP: Make sure to count the number of eggs you hide
Creative ways of how to play with Shopkins toys from @how2playtoday
Hide Them

Simply hiding the toys around the room is a lot of fun and my children really enjoy this game.  Make sure to count the number of toys you hide to ensure no one accidentally steps on one later on.

We also play "Warmer, Colder" to help with finding them.  Say "warmer" if the seeker is getting closer to a hard-to-find toy. "Colder" if they're getting further away.

