Learning about Galaxy while incorporating Splatter Paint and Graffiti Art.
Skill Development: Art
Messiness: Medium
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- Watercolor or Mixed Media Paper
- Foam shapes (these aren't the same as we used but the closest I could find)
- Paint in one or two colors or
- Liquid Watercolor
- Squirt bottle - this type works best
- Small amount of water
- Art Tray or table covering
- Markers
- Construction paper optional
Books to Read
*Reading enhancing the learning environment
Step 1:
If you wish to have a background color in your art piece, you can begin by painting your paper. In this example, the background has been painted blue. You may also choose to leave it white.

Step 2:
To help us create Space images, place down your foam pieces in any order you wish. You may want to overlap them, spread them out, squish them close together. However you choose to create will be as unique as you are.
Step 3:
In a squirt bottle, squeeze a few drops of paint and some water. You may also choose to use Liquid Watercolors rather than paint. The more water you add, the lighter the color will be and the easier it will be to squirt it. The less water added, the darker the color but smaller hands may find it more difficult to squirt.
Step 4:
Squirt your watered-down paint over your paper and foam pieces. This will resemble painting with an arasal spray paint can. You can choose to add a second color if you wish
Step 5:
Let dry and remove your foam pieces. You now have created images on your artwork.
Step 6:
Using a marker, you can trace your images, creating bold outlines. You can also glue your creation onto a large piece of construction paper so it’s framed and ready for you to display.
Step 8:
Continue to draw on your artwork. You can create lines, swirls, squiggles, dashes, dots, etc. You can mount your art to a piece of construction paper, creating a border.
Line: An Element of Art created by pen, pencil, or any tool.

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