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Creating ways to explore abstract art while learning about Piet Mondrian.
Skill Development: Art Education
Minimum Age: Grade 4
Messiness: Medium
Age/grade for projects are simply suggestions and may be used with other age groups.
Some activities may not be suitable for younger children. Supervise your children at all times.
Piet Mondrian
A famous Dutch painter who is best known for his 1920’s abstract works of art featuring only horizontal and vertical lines.
Mondrian’s famous abstract works of art used only primary colors (Red, Yellow, Blue) along with white and black to create bold contrast.
Step 1:
Using a ruler, write your name in block letter format covering the length of your paper. Larger paper like 12”x18” might be easier for younger children but regular sized mixed media paper (9"x12") worked best for these Grade 4 students.
Step 2:
If this is too challenging, very lightly write your name in large letters across the paper. Then boldly outline your name and erase the inner line.
Step 3:
Use your ruler to draw Horizontal and Vertical lines inside all of your letters. You can always add more lines later if you decide you need more. Remember you’re going to paint inside some of these spaces.
Step 4:
Using your small paint brush and acrylic paint, paint 1-2 spaces of one color in each letter.
Step 5:
It’s okay if you paint outside of the pencil lines or don’t fill the space in entirely. You will go over the pencil lines with black marker later and it’s easy to cover the spaces up. Remember this is your own artwork and it will be as unique as you are.

Step 6:
Continue to use the Primary Colors in your painting. Then add some black paint into your name as well.

Step 7:
Once you’re finished painting, use your black marker and go over all of the pencil lines.
Now you have created your very own masterpiece just like Piet Mondrian.

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